Thursday, October 13, 2005

Juan Les Pins

We arrived in Barcelona this morning. This picture is from Antibe area Juan Les Pins. It is just so typical of the towns. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We cetainly didn't see a turkey but lots of paella with squid ink and aioli and moules et frites.Today is changeover day and the Spanish guests will be off the ship and a mix of nationalities coming on board. Tomorrow we are in Ville Franche and day after that back to Rome. We don't have commitments either of those days so will hang out in both places. I do think that the women in Rome are the most fashionable in the World. It is just fun to look at the windows and see how beautifully they are done. Peter bought shoes in Rome and I bought beatiful boots. Everyone is wearing boots and the leather is gorgeous.

Tomorrow we are having lunch in Ville Franche with our email assistants and the email assistants that we worked with before on the Galaxy and place called Carpaccio across from the marina.

Next day we will take an early train to Rome. It costs 9 Euro and gives you unlimited use of the Metro while in Rome. Now that we have seen the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, Spanish steps, Trevi fountain etc. the actual sightseeing pressure is off and we can just enjoy. We love sitting in a café and just watching and listening. We do love Europe. The markets are wonderful and we would just like to stay in one of our favorite places for a month or so. Maybe, one day.

The new couple coming on board to work with us arrive today. They are Mike and Lynn Taylor out of Ft. Lauderdale. They will be our new "best friends" until the end of the cruise Nov. 7.
Yesterday we worked out in the gym for the first time and intend now to make it a habit. I had a cold for the first 2 weeks so thought the treadmill wasn't such a hot idea. That was my excuse.

St Paul De Vance

Attached is the hill town of St Paul De Vance. Peter did a photomerge.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Barcelona Hotel

This is the hotel that we stayed in in Barcelona. It was wonderful!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Minorca & Mallorca but not Corsica

We are almost at Minorca. The port was rescheduled because it was not deemed to be safe to go to Corsica. We are not teaching at all on this cruise because it is a 4 day and I guess people just want to kick back. The next cruise is all Spanish and we have a very limited teaching program. So we are just hanging out in Europe. Tomorrow we will be in Mallorca and then back to Barcelona.