Saturday, January 28, 2006

Cabo San Lucas

We are on our way back from Cabo San Lucas to Los Angeles. We arrive the day after tomorrow and we had a wonderful time "hanging out" in Cabo San Lucas at the "office". We can’t believe the incredible new development in the port. It is fabulous. A lot of money is being "dumped" in and they are doing a great job of the architectural development while maintaining the natural beauty of the harbor. We have met some interesting people. Eric Hill’s mother is Latvian and he and Peter have been speaking Latvian together. He is a young man and Pulitzer Prize winner for his photo journalism on native peoples in Alaska. Ted Schnormeier and his wife have the most amazing gardens in Ohio. His company is responsible for a huge development in Cabo San Lucas and the houses will be 15 million each. Ted has taken all of our classes and we have really enjoyed getting to know him and his wife. Check the web for Schnormeier gardens.
The seas are rolling a bit today. The ship is moving porpoise like through the water. Maybe I’ll have to put on a patch. So far, so good. We worked out this morning and I’m getting used to going backwards on the elliptical trainer. Today, people will burn their CDs with all of their images from the trip. The people on board have been delightful and I think there is a certain type of person who wants to go through the Panama, and be in San Andres, and Guatemala. Janice Fishbein who is editor for cruise critic is on board with her husband. He has an amazing story of how he survived a heart attack that left him in a coma for 60+ days. He looks great and happy to be alive. Jenifer and Bob Marx are still on board and he truly is the pirate of the seas. In Cabo San Lucas, on the beach, I bought a beautiful semi precious stone from a guy named Saturnino called a peridoto. It looks like a large yellow diamond with 35 facets. I haven’t looked up the stone on the internet but will do that today.


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