Monday, February 13, 2006

The Johnson Ranch

Well here we are in Thousand Oaks LA at Jill and Perin's wonderful home. Sean and Susan and baby Brooke visited in the morning. Brooke is adorable and just wants to walk, walk, walk.

We golfed yesterday at North Ranch. we were back home at 4:30 and had dinner guests at 6:00.
Bicky and Steve, and Ann and Joel came for dinner. We hadn't seen them 20 years and it was so cool to get together and tell all of the stories. Jill cooked an incredible meal of tenderloin on puffed pastry topped with arugala and carmelized onions. Yum.

This morning Jill was off to the barn to feed Integrity (the horse), and the chickens, and the wild barn cat that Jill has tamed. Jill"s horse is 25 years old and looks great.

We are off to Santa Barbara today to do a little shopping. The weather in LA is warm and wonderful and we just love being here with the Johnsons.


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